26 May 2022

New Coffee in Toronto

Walking on the streets of Toronto, I kept seeing a distinct design on everybody's takeaway coffee cups. It was a black and white geometric design, resemblying stacked isometric cubes. At the top of the cup was a thin band of bright yellow, spanning the diameter of the rim. I traced this stream of cups to its source and found Pilot Coffee Roasters.

Okay, its only my first week in the city. BUT! This was a great find for me. What a gem. Smooth, slightly acidic espresso, not too chocolatey. The milk foam was velvety, and served at just the right temperature. I thoroughly enjoyed drinking their Cortado. I enjoyed it so much, in fact, that I bought a bag of their beans.

The next day, I put the Pilot beans through my aeropress, and brought it to work. It was disappointing. Still a decent cup of coffee, but nowhere near as delicate as that cortado.

The beans are still newly roasted, so maybe I'll change my mind in a week or two.

Pilot coffee roasters was in the lower levels of a bank, on the way to my office. Super difficult to find, but definitely worth it.